When you’re searching online for your particular dental needs, you may find yourself swamped and overwhelmed with the amount of information you come across. Most of this information might not even be helpful to you and might hinder your search. One problem you may come across when looking for dental specialists in the field of prosthodontics is finding advertisements for dentists who claim to have a quick-fix procedure for you and that they are a “Cosmetic Dentist.” Since “Prosthodontics” is not a term many people are familiar with, you might be eager to find yourself a Cosmetic Dentist. However, there is a difference between a prosthodontist vs cosmetic dentist: know the difference!
What is the Difference Between a Prosthodontist and a Cosmetic Dentist?
Nearly any dentist can call themselves a cosmetic dentist. All general dentists have to do is take a few courses to learn different cosmetic dental treatments and then list themselves as a cosmetic dentist. A prosthodontist, on the other hand, is a specialist that is recognized by the American Dental Association. After going through dental school, prosthodontists continue on for three or four more years of training to learn the intricacies of cosmetic dentistry. Since prosthodontists go through so much extra training, they are far more specialized and advanced in teeth restoration and other full-mouth reconstructions than a general cosmetic dentist.
What Work Does a Prosthodontist Do?
Along with regular cleanings and routine dental care, prosthodontics can perform the following procedures:
● Aesthetic reconstructive dentistry. For people who are missing teeth, this is the most advanced option for dental implants.
● Dental veneers. These can be used to reshape and improve the appearance of your existing teeth.
● Dental crowns. These prosthetic teeth, usually made from porcelain or metal, are used to repair damaged teeth.
● Dental bridges. Replacing your missing teeth, dental bridges are permanently attached to your tooth root, other teeth, or dental implants.
● Jaw treatments. Problems can be caused by temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), snoring disorders or sleep apnea and jaw treatments can help. Jaw reconstructions are sometimes in order after having surgery to remove oral cancer and prosthodontics are trained in jaw reconstruction.
When you’re trying to decide between a prosthodontist vs a cosmetic dentist, it is important to know what sort of treatment you are looking for and the amount of work and level of skill required to reach the desired results. If you’re looking for just a little beautification, a cosmetic dentist will work for you. If you need more advanced work done, you should look into a prosthodontist. Advanced Prosthodontics can help answer any questions you have. Just give us a call today at (610) 865-4222.